Tip of the Month: Displaying “Save Successful” Messages
Did you know?
In BarnOwl version 8, a Save and Close button was introduced to all BarnOwl Data forms.
When you click the Save and Close button, you have the option to select whether the “Save Successful” message is displayed.
There are two ways to do this:
- By selecting the option in BarnOwl Preferences
- By clicking the checkbox on the message
By default, BarnOwl’s “save successful” messages are displayed whenever you save a change in any BarnOwl form. Whether you are saving information for the first time, or updating data, the message is displayed to let you know that your information has been saved. You can specify that BarnOwl does not show the message when clicking Save and Close.
You can change and customise your preferences in BarnOwl to suit you in the Preferences form.
(File-> Preferences)
On the Display tab, check the “Never show save success message on Save and Close” check box in the “Save Success Message” section. The message will not be displayed again until you uncheck the option in Preferences.
You can also check the “Don’t show this message again” checkbox on the message, which will automatically update the Preferences form.