Tip of the Month: Using the Wrap Text Feature
Did you know?
BarnOwl enables you to wrap the text displayed in the Register grids. If a field contains more than one line of text, such as for example a “Description” field, you can click the Wrap Text button on the Register Toolbar.
By default, a register will display as follows:
The Register shown in this picture has been customised.
Click the Wrap Text button on the toolbar.
The Register will display the complete text.
By default, BarnOwl opens a register without wrapping text. If you would like BarnOwl to automatically open every register in wrap-text mode, you can do this in the User Preference form.
To do this:
- From the File menu, select “Preferences”.
- In the Preferences Edit screen, click the Display tab.
- Select the Wrap Text check box.
- Click Save and Close.
All registers will open in wrap-text mode.