Tip of the Month: Using the Wrap Text Feature

February 25, 2016

image006Did you know?

BarnOwl enables you to wrap the text displayed in the Register grids. If a field contains more than one line of text, such as for example a “Description” field, you can click the Wrap Text button on the Register Toolbar.
By default, a register will display as follows:
image003The Register shown in this picture has been customised.
Click the Wrap Text button on the toolbar.
The Register will display the complete text.
By default, BarnOwl opens a register without wrapping text. If you would like BarnOwl to automatically open every register in wrap-text mode, you can do this in the User Preference form.
To do this:

  1. From the File menu, select “Preferences”.
  2. In the Preferences Edit screen, click the Display tab.
  3. Select the Wrap Text check box.


  1. Click Save and Close.

All registers will open in wrap-text mode.