Tip of the Month: Using the BarnOwl Online Help

image001Did you know?
BarnOwl has an online Help which you can use to quickly find assistance.

BarnOwl F1 Help

In the BarnOwl modules, press the <F1> key or from the Help menu, select View Help.
The BarnOwl Embedded Help for the module is displayed.
In the left-hand pane, on the Contents tab, double-click a topic to view sub-topics.
image001You can also search using the Index or Search tabs.

BarnOwl Lite Web Help

In the BarnOwl Web Interface and BarnOwl Lite, you can open a Web Help File containing help relating specifically to the Web interface.
Click the image011Help button. The BarnOwl Lite Web Help opens in a new browser tab.
image015The BarnOwl Lite Help URL must be specified in the BarnOwl Server Management Console. For more information, ask the system administrator or contact BarnOwl Support.

BarnOwl Web Help

There is a comprehensive Web Help available on the BarnOwl website at www.barnowl.co.za.
Click the Support menu and select Documentation.
On the Documentation landing page, click the link for the Help you wish to open.
The Online Help is displayed.
Click on a topic in the contents pane to view the sub-topics.
You can also click a hyperlink to be taken directly to the topic.
You can search the Online Help using the Search field in the top right corner. Type your search in the field, and click the search icon.
The results are displayed.
Click the link for the topic you wish to view.
image001The Help on the website always contains the latest version of the Help. It is recommended that you check the website first to see any recent changes.

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