Tip of the Month: Taking the ‘Pain’ Out of Compliance
Did you know ?
BarnOwl takes the administrative burden out of compliance and enables you to identify compliance gaps, monitor and report on the progress of compliance across all business areas / departments within your organisation. BarnOwl enables compliance checklists (Surveys) to be sent automatically to all compliance owners across your organisation and enables you to monitor and report on compliance progress at the click of a button.
Now more than ever, especially with the advent of GDPR and POPIA (effective 1st July 2021) and the new information regulator of South Africa, compliance is foremost on the radar even for small to medium sized businesses. Add to this the huge increase in cyber-attacks with data theft and ransomware attacks and one realises that compliance is no longer negotiable. Compliance is a critical building block in building a more capable and resilient organisation.
Four (4) simple steps to create, collate, monitor and report on your compliance environment
BarnOwl’s simple web-based Survey module makes it much easier to collate compliance information. BarnOwl’s action plans enable you to embed and drive ownership and accountability for compliance tasks. BarnOwl’s business intelligence reporting highlights compliance gaps across all business areas / departments and enables you to report on progress made to close the gaps.
Step 1 – Create: importing and / or capturing your compliance content
You can import various acts (including provisions / obligations, verbatim text, interpretation and survey questions) using BarnOwl’s regulatory Excel template. You can (a) purchase pre-populated regulatory content from our 3rd party content provider/s and/or (b) capture your own regulatory content into BarnOwl’s Excel template for import into BarnOwl and/or (c) capture regulatory acts and associated detail directly into BarnOwl.
Example of the BarnOwl’s regulatory Excel template:
Step 2 – Distribute: creating and sending out compliance checklists
Create a checklist automatically from the imported act with the questions per provision and send it out to compliance recipients:
Step 3 – Collate: completing compliance checklists online
The system sends out an email with a web link to each recipient to complete his / her checklist/s online and capture action plans where there is non-compliance:
The user can click on ‘View’ hyperlink to see the verbatim text as well as the interpretation:
Step 4: Report: reporting and monitoring your compliance universe
Survey analysis
Action plan monitoring and status reporting:
Business Intelligence compliance dashboards
The BarnOwl business intelligence reporting module provides advanced graphical dashboard reporting enabling to identify your compliance gaps and monitor your progress in closing the gaps.
Fig 1: Compliance Survey: view % compliance per client (business unit) per selected survey with drill down by category (process), sub-category (sub-process) and question
Fig 2: Compliance Trend: perform quarterly survey trend analysis per client (business unit) with drill down into % compliance by category (process), sub category (sub process) and question
Fig 3a: Category Treemap: view % compliance per client (business unit) per selected survey with drill down by category (process), sub-category (sub-process) and question
Fig 3b: Category Treemap: view % compliance per question
Useful links
About BarnOwl:
BarnOwl is a fully integrated governance, risk management, compliance and audit software solution used by close to 200 organisations in Africa, Australasia and the UK. BarnOwl is a locally developed software solution and is the preferred risk management solution for the South African public sector supporting the National Treasury risk framework.
Please see www.barnowl.co.za for more information.